
Thursday, March 31, 2005

Scatch Art

This is my second favorite medium, scratch art.

I've had a few requests to put who and what each of these pictures are of so here you are:
From top left - Man with baby, Woman's face, Baby James, Mulder and Scully from The X-Files, and last but not least Whiteboy.


Blogger NorthRock said...

I do want to say one thing, Where did you learn this technique? I had never really heard about it except the bronze type or the charcoal over wax technique.. this I am not sure of...

4:16 PM  
Blogger Rawknee said...

It certainly is a unique style, I love it. I've done alot of charcoal and white on black paper, chalk. But this is too cool.

6:34 PM  
Blogger lirpapuhtron said...

I first heard about it in high school. It that class we actually started with a white tag board that had some kind of scratchable surface on it. Then we took india ink and painted the surface. Once that was dry we could scratch off the india ink. But you have to get just the right consistancy or it will crack and chip. I soon learned that you can buy the board in black. Its much easier to work with. You should all try it sometime. It's pretty fun.
You can also get the board in colors and that is where its more comonly seen. For little kids are work. They have cycadelic colors under the black that you can scratch to reveal. Pretty dorky and I would never use that so be careful you aren't getting that if you go to buy some.

7:02 AM  

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